Thursday, August 13, 2009

Youtube have went too far!

I am flipping peeved with youtube right now! Recently they have deleted a youtube account that brought so much joy to people. And before you ask, no they have not unsupsended Little kuriboh's first account and have just suspended it again ( Yet they have not suspended CardgamesFTW, idiots). They have suspended TeamForuStar. For those of you who do not know( I know some people only watch YGO:TAS), A couple of people who make other abridged series' (Lanipator, MasakoX, Vegeta, Kaiserneko) all banded together and formed Team Four Star. Now, seeing how they are called Team Four Star, they decided to create Dragon ball Z abridged (Even though hbi2k already had that field covered. But meh). So at the start of each episode, a screen comes on that should cover the legal stuff (who it's owned by, the fact that it's a parody, and please support the official release). But now, they have been deleted, because Youtube don't want antone to write in complaining that it does not follow the plot of DBZ. This sucks!

Sorry but I needed to renat. Bye!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Two Torchwood cents

As many of you know, last night began one of the best weeks of the year and possibly, of my life. It is one of the best weeks because of four words and one punctuation mark. Torchwood: Children of Earth. Now then, as we all know, Torchwood is one of the best shows produced by the BBC (if it's a drama and it's made by BBC Cymyru Wales, it's gold). Now then, as I am watching it again ( My sister didn't see it so she's watching it now while having her din dins) I am just really soaking it all up. Last night, whenever I watched it, I really to be honest couldn't immerse myself because I was, and I'm not going to lie, I was fan boying over it. And I'm still fan boying over Day two. But now I have watched it and have got the fan boy gene out of my system (for the moment) I can fully enjoy it. And I love it.

I mean, the music, that Murray Gold and Ben Foster Magic, it sends shivers down my spine. I mean, at the opening where Gwen's friend is running to the home office, that brilliant sound coming from what I think should be renamed the Doctor Who Orchestra of Excellence was just fantastic. It screams "I am the adult Doctor Who, give the the respect I deserve!" and from me, it does. I mean it just sets the atmosphere for the scene.

Also, I just love how it can reek of Torchwood but only has violence in the last 15 minutes of it which I just love. But, you have to admit, it would not be Torchwood if it did not have a few gunshots. But the *** ******* ********* at the end is just amazing. And also, with the "area" where the cause of the *** ******* ********* is kept, and Ianto's ascent, it leaves the ultimate cliffhanger ending. It keeps fans coming back wondering " Will he survive? or will Torchwood be shut down for good?! I must know!", it is so nail biting!

While many people think that it would be better if they had spread out the parts of the story to about a month, I personally think that it is better to have it all in the same week. Even though we do not get much time with the trio of kick ass team, the story is always fresh in your head from the day before, so there is no need to recap on the story and there is no frustration when you are looking at the TV and thinking "Who the hell are you?!".

So over all, great storyline, brilliant score, best use of a *** ******* ********* I have seen in ages, and good Janto moment (even though I am not a fan of Yoai moments, even though it is not an anime). The only thing I wish there was more of was that there was more Rhys. He's the fllipin comic relief character. You gotta love the comic relief characters. But anyway, I love it and I can't wait for tonight at 9:00.

Irish Out.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

They are coming... And I can't wait!

Now, as many people know about (or you have been in outer space for the last year) Doctor who is going to be changed severly. For one thing, Russell T Davies (the living God that is) is leaving Doctor who, and Steven "The Moth" Moffat will be replacing him. Now I respect Moffat deeply and I'm not going to rant. Also, David Tennant is leaving as well. But again, I'm not going to rant about this (even though Matt smith is Pwn'ed by David Tennant in every way, shape and form). And seeing how all of these changes are happening, the Doctor Who and Torchwood are going to be few this year. Doctor who is getting 4 specials, Sarah Jane adventures are getting a normal series, and Torchwood is getting a week of specials. Now then, there have been many trailers released and soon, they will come. The unknown hunters who plan to enslave and eventually kill all of the human race. Now then they have a 5 part plan and there first step involves all of the children of the world stopping and squeling and saying "We are coming". Now the goverment are trying to track down the mysterious beings and they are the only hope to finding and stopping the aliens. Well... them and Torchwood are the only hopes. And soon enough, the Torchwood team are being assasinated by a mysterious women, who I think is being hired by the black guy in the extended preview (I'll post that). That's all that I know deeply. But luckily, the trailer says (in a prophetic kind of way) a summary of the key points. They are as followed:

On the first day, it will start. When our children stop.

On the second day, our defences will fall

On the third day, the sky will burn

On the forth day, the goverment will conspire

On the fifth day, the earth will be at war

Now, from what I have seen, I am going to love and adore this series. I love near-apocolyptic things this is about a near-apocolyptic a show can get. Be sure that I will be watching. Now, bask in Eve Myles, David-Gareth Lloyd and John Barrowman in all of their glory.

I'll post the Up close videos whenever Tochwood: Children of Time is over, until then,

Irish Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are coming!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

He's moonwalked to the heavens

Now then, as any of you know (or will find out if you turn on MTV), someone who revolutioised pop (seeing how he was the king of it after all). Yes the creator of "thriller", "BillieJena" and " Bad" is passed away. Yes, 20% of the Jackson 5 has bit the dust. Of course I am talking about Michael Jackson. Even though there were many an allocation against him (the child drpopping incident, the child harrasment incident and then the money incident) he was a brilliant performer. And this blog post pays homage to the shamoner extrodiner. Now please watch the clip below ( and enjoy it)

I fyou don't get the joke at the end, play the game linked at the end.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The truth is revealed

Oh my f***ing god! There I was, just watching Top Gear and doing the Slinkers game ( I'll post that down there) and the stig was testing that new Ferrari (the one that looks like the new bat mobile that you can't keep yourself). And after the car cleaned the car in front (I forget the name. I have a bad memory) and then I saw the stig in the audience. Now there had been loads of speculation that the stig (almighty and glorious) would reveal himself. Now me and my family could all tell that he would take off his helmet but we thought he would have a balaclava or something. Now when the stig came up and nodded his head we were all thinking "He's not gonna do it" but thanks to the crowds, he took it off. And then, he took it off and this was my family reaction (exaggerated)


Michael Shcumacher was the stig. My sister posted on her twitter (via mobile. Now one ever gonna take this from me.)

But unfortunately, it turns out that he is not. It was all an illusion. but my sister thinks that every think a poser will come on every week and that will replace stars in a reasonably priced car. smart thinking.

Sorry about that mini post. But here, as promised, is slinkers game.

I want credit Dammit!

Check her other stuff, it's all good.


Stupid Game. by *Slinkers on deviantART

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ok guys, It's time to Jizz like a boss on a boat with Just 2 Guyz

I'm sorry, but I needed to do this. Lonley Island Melee
Jizz in my Pants

Like a boss

I'm on a boat-Clean

And finally, Just 2 Guyz


Well, I have not been posting that much lately because well... I'm addicted. Not to anthing bad(God people, I'm don't even go out. Why would you think that I would even try to do that. Psychos) , but to twitter! Yes, I, your great and glorious, have now converted to twitterism. And, seeing how I love you all (and how I lonley over there. Seriously, bad Following to follower ratio.), I will tell you all my twitter name. Follow me dammit! I'm Irish_Monkey. Please follow me! Also, I would like to make some shoutouts to my newly found peeps other there. They are Velociteen, AlwaysMiley The always awesome and amazing
Sana (She gave me a shoutout!) and, my friend in school... Um, whats his name? Oh! Paul.

Anyway, on to a more pressing matter. Now I know that this may make fanboys squill and die in anticipation but here is the trailer for New moon

I'm sorry but I had to!

But seriously, look down. That's the real one!

Now then, to finish off this Lonely Island Sandwhich, watch this.

And always remember.....


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Spread the word! Seriously, this guy was contacted by David Tennant (officially) and he was asked to make this video

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

People can be sad at times

Ok, now this is a sort of uber vent of mine which you really don't have to listen to so if you don't care then I will post something else to try and entertain you. Anywany, there has been alot of smack talk against Demi Lovato which can be understood. Some poeple don't like her style of music and that is cool. You have your own free right and it is ok. But poeple have been mocking her little sister which is sad. If you have a problem with a singer then say it to the singer. If you don't like a singer then at least don't mock the singer's family. I is sad and really you just are jealous of them.

Sorry, needed to vent. Please out y'all

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kids Can Act

Ah, the KCA's. The only award show that allows kids from all other America may throw unknown gunk at celebrities for no apparent reason. In case you have not heard yet, the Kids Choice Awards were hosted yesterday by Dwane "the rock" Johnson. The night (probably) had some eventful suprises and it had many performances from bands who were realted with the nominations or the actual show. I am going to post who has won each award and whether I know who the hell they are and my rating so the winners were:

Favorite Reality Show: American Idol Fair enough, can be entertaining 3/5

Favorite TV Actor: Dylan Sprouse Would have prefered Cole but he will do 3/5

Favorite Cartoon : Spongebob Squarepants No one can resist the Sponge 5/5

Favorite Female Athlete: Candace Parker Who the hell are you?! 1/5

Favorite Book: Twilight Fangirls swarmed this because of the movie 2/5

Favorite Movie: High School Musical 3 Fair enough. I liked it 3/5

Favorite Movie Actor: Will smith Cool, he deserves it 4/5

Favorite Movie Actress: Vanessa Hudgens Voted in by fanboys for her looks 2/5

Favorite Animated Movie: Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa Fair enough, seems good 3/5

Favorite Voice from an Animated Movie: Jack Black You gotta love the Jack attack! 7/5

Favorite Male Singer: Jesse McCartney God No! -5/5

Favorite Female Singer: Miley Cyrus Fair enough. Good music 3/5

Favorite Song: Single Ladies Fair enough. A very catchy song 3/5

Favorite TV Show: iCarly Love it. Deserves it 4/5

Favorite Music Group : Jonas Brothers Fair enough, good music. Got a little help though from the fan girls 4/5

Favorite TV Actress: Selena Gomez Brilliant Actress. Deserves it 7/5

Favorite Male Athlete: Peyton Manning Who the hell are you?! 1/5

Favorite Video Game: Guitar Hero: World Hero Love the game. Did well! 4/5

Ant acts that got over 5/5 are brilliant and deserve a round of applause. Anyone scoring lower than 1 sholud be thrown away!

That's me for tonight.

Irish out

Friday, March 27, 2009

Serious News for once

So there has been talk of the stalker incedent over in America. In case you guys do not know what I am talking about then let me explain. Over in America, there is a show called Dancing with the stars (a rip-off of strictly come dancing). So anyway, one of the contestants in it (someone who I have never heard of) has got a stalker. A little reward and symbol of stardom but really no one wants them. Well anyway, her stalker tried to sneak into the dancing with the stars studio which is usual for stalkers. But this guy tried to sneak in with:

.TWO loaded guns
.Duct tape
.love letters.

So he was gonna tie her up, shoot anyone who tries to get her out, read her his love letters and possibly *ahem* have his way with her . The guy is nuts! Luckily the guy was found out and he may get 4 years in prison. I personally think he is a phsyco as he says and I qoute "She used to talk to me through the TV" and that "they were going to have children." Dude, it is OK to fancy someone famous, most of us do. But you are mad mate!

Until I feel like I am calm enough then I'll post again.

Irish out!

Monday, March 23, 2009

You have Gained fanboy points!

Well, I must admit. I have to. I fantisize about two disney stars. Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. I admit it. Luckily they will never read this blog so at least I do not have a chance of being classed as a stalker. I eman, I don't try to follow them about so really I did well. But anyway This has to be a short post as my father wants on but if you want to find out more about these two then go onto and search therealdemilovato or selgomez. Bye guys. Also, because of the fact that I have joined the bondwagon of Twitter I have got the urge to tell you all my Twitter address. If only someone cared about it. This is it.

If you are feeling generous then please follow me. So until then, I am now a level 20 fanboy.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Screw bad luck, I am going to ask for a job

Hello people, Welcome to the fundraiser for endangered weiners foundation... Only joking it is Irish. Well anyway I am waiting for a job application. But not a normal job application, but a job application for ONM! And I am not even able to get a "Proper" job! Basically if ONM/ Neil accept what I am asking for then I will; be receiving free games, subscriptions and possibly cha-ching. Hopefully I will get a reply soon. Also BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bleach me up, baby!

Well anyway I have been watching/ reading a japenese anime called "Bleach" (Thanks to Father Christmas). It is a series about a 15 year-old called Ichigo (strawberry) who lives in a health clinic with his sisters and father. He has the ability, like his sisters, can see ghosts. So he basically tries to help them pass on to the next life. But then he meets a soul reaper (someome who helps lost souls pass on and kill hollows) called Rukia from the soul society which, as you expect, is a society for souls. So basically A "hollow" (A soul lost and now must swallow other souls) comes to his house ( the reason for meeting Rukia) and attacks his family because of him. so he tries to defend them with no resolve. Soon he has to take some of Rukia's power's as a soul reaper to become a soul reaper himself so he can kill the Hollow. He is only supposed to take half of her powers but takes all of her powers. He eventaully kills the Hollow. But now he has to take up the duties of a Soul Reaper as Rukia can't. That is the first episode in a nutshell.

So anyway I really like this anime/ manga and inspired by one scene to make an icon but unfortunately I am having problems. Sorry but I got to go now. Sister is nagging.

Irish Out

Friday, January 30, 2009

The spam wars

Lately with my apolgy entry to Sarcastic ( Which has been forgiven in case you are wondering) There was a Person saying


What the flip is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I know of your classmate from ONM which I will link to at the bottom of this post (I want some credit Neil!) but please do not spam my apology with your shout-out. This is not a Habbo related radio station! Don't say somthing unless you you have something to say relating to the subject. Also, Your grammer is atrousious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to go now As my mother will realise that it is nine. She thinks I am obssesed.

Irish Out


ONM Forums

It is quite good :D :D :D

Monday, January 26, 2009

Apology to Sarc

Lately I have been called a copy cat by sarastic/sarc. He says that my blog copies his. Look, yes I admit that the name was inspired by his name. But the rest is just coincidence. I just type and vent in a way. The colours and font, very random. And then the whole bloggy blog reference is completely random. I say we should make a truce. For this I will change my font and style and I will give him some advertising space on my blog. Please go on and follow his blog. It is quite funny.

Hopefully we can just leave this all behind us.

Irish out