Oh my f***ing god! There I was, just watching Top Gear and doing the Slinkers game ( I'll post that down there) and the stig was testing that new Ferrari (the one that looks like the new bat mobile that you can't keep yourself). And after the car cleaned the car in front (I forget the name. I have a bad memory) and then I saw the stig in the audience. Now there had been loads of speculation that the stig (almighty and glorious) would reveal himself. Now me and my family could all tell that he would take off his helmet but we thought he would have a balaclava or something. Now when the stig came up and nodded his head we were all thinking "He's not gonna do it" but thanks to the crowds, he took it off. And then, he took it off and this was my family reaction (exaggerated)
Michael Shcumacher was the stig. My sister posted on her twitter (via mobile. Now one ever gonna take this from me.)
But unfortunately, it turns out that he is not. It was all an illusion. but my sister thinks that every think a poser will come on every week and that will replace stars in a reasonably priced car. smart thinking.
Sorry about that mini post. But here, as promised, is slinkers game.